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County Commissioner orders bananas to be cut down

Bananas planted in the ministry of lands compound. The Kiambu County Commissioner has directed that the bananas on Government compounds be uprooted and be replaced by flowers. Photo by Lydia Shiroya

Kiambu County commissioner Mr. Wilson Wanyanga has instructed National Government officers who have planted bananas in their compounds to uproot them with immediate effect.
Mr. Wanyanga expressed shock that some people had turned Government land into farms where they had planted bananas instead of beautifying the surroundings.
The County Commissioner was addressing the County service Delivery Meeting at the Administration police chapel in Kiambu town Thursday.
He particularly singled out the area around Kiambu golf clubs and the road leading towards the new education offices which is under construction.
The Administrator told those who had planted bananas within their compound to uproot and replace them with flowers for beautification.
“Let bananas be planted in the farms, but within our offices, plant trees and flowers which will attract those in search of services,” he said.
Mr. Wanyanga was particularly concerned about the image portrayed by Government offices which remain unkempt.
“Some offices were surrounded with grass all over and you wonder how the officers who work from such premises feel”, he said.
“Your office is like your home and the atmosphere must be conducive for you and members of the public to work from. Do not accept to work from a dingy environment,” he said.
He further instructed an ad hoc committee formed during the meeting to go round and inspect all National government offices with a view of recommending to their respective Principal Secretaries for renovations.
Wanyanga said the PSs were capable of facilitating renovations saying some of the offices were an eyesore to the government, which he said was not that broke to allow offices’ leaking roofs or broken down infrastructure.
The committee members will comprise officers from public health, NEMA, Ministry of housing, Public Works, National Construction Authority (NCA) and his office.
On motor vehicles left to rot in various government offices’ compounds, Wanyanga told the officers to board the vehicles for sale so as to rid the environment of unserviceable items.
He said it was better to sell them to people who could use their parts to generate some little revenue for the government instead of allowing it to rot along the streets of Kiambu.
The monthly County Service Delivery Meeting deliberates on issues affecting various departments. It is held in a chapel due to lack of sufficient space.
By Lydia Shiroya

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