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Dr Laboso launches sh. 42 million bursary fund

Bomet Governor Dr. Joyce Laboso has launched a Sh42 million bursary kitty for bright students from disadvantaged families in the county.


Speaking at Bomet Green stadium today, Dr Laboso said that there was an urgent need to consolidate all the bursary kitties allocated to the county for easy administration and avoid duplication of roles leading to the misuse of public funds.


“We have bursaries from the national government through CDF, ministry of education, department of children, social protection, NGOs, multi-national tea firms operating in the county and our own county government and yet the impact is not felt at the village level since many students from disadvantaged families still chase political leaders for school fees,” the governor  lamented.


She said the ministries of education and that of interior through chiefs should identify beneficiaries in a bid to avoid a situation where one individual benefits from even three donor-organisations whereas others are denied bursaries.


Dr Laboso pointed out that 3,750 students are set to receive funding through the kitty in full and partial scholarship in the 2018/2019 financial year.


She said the fund is geared at ensuring an enhanced access to education and increase enrolment in schools within the county.


The Governor at the same time said the kitty will also help in retaining students from poor background in schools.


“We are targeting poor but very bright students in secondary schools to ensure they do not drop out of school due to lack school fees,” she stated.


Governor Laboso pointed out that 460 students have benefitted from full scholarship under the bursary fund programme by her administration.


She said that another 1783 have received partial scholarship through the kitty saying more will be enrolled adding that plans are underway to increase beneficiaries of full scholarship to 611 up from 460.

“The department of education will introduce new bursary for extremely needy cases that were not captured in either full or partial scholarship those who will not be able even to afford to fill the forms or reach offices,” she added.

Dr Laboso said her administration was also working to set up a bursary fund for learners in vocational centres and other middle level colleges.


“We have also set aside some Sh30 million to establish a revolving fund that will benefit college and university students within the county,” added Dr.Laboso.


She appealed to all beneficiaries to work extra hard so that they will be considered in future to further their studies.

By Joseph Obwocha


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