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Government effects security changes at Eldoret Airport

The government has effected security changes at Eldoret International Airport in Uasin Gishu County following the interception of a Shs.35 million mandrax consignment in April..

The measures are aimed at securing the airport from drug barons who have been using the facility to traffic consignments of hard drugs disguised as capsules.

Addressing the media in Eldoret town, Rift Valley Regional Co-ordinator Mr. Mongo Chimwenga said the security measures were aimed at averting a similar incident from happening.

Chimwanga said more than 30 police officers at the facility who deal with inspection and verification of any cargo landing at the airport have been reshuffled.

A team of General Service Unit officers backed by administration police officers has since taken over from the former regular police officers to secure the airport.

The changes at the Airport,according to the regional coordinator follows a stand-off between regular police officers who were then stationed at the Airport and Kenya Revenue Authority officials at the facility.

The intercepted consignment was destined for the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport from Dubai but was diverted to Eldoret International Airport.

The GSU officers arrested KRA and Kenya Pharmacy and Poisons Board officials following the seizure of the mandrax that had been disguised as multivitamin capsules.

“The security officers have been instructed to inspect and verify any cargo landing at the facility and also tightened police patrols along the airport route,” said Chimwenga.

By Kiptanui Cherono

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