Monday, February 10, 2025
Home > Counties > Isiolo > Imams dismiss Citizen TV coverage on  Al-Shabaab

Imams dismiss Citizen TV coverage on  Al-Shabaab

The  Isiolo Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya (CIPK) has dismissed media reports aired two days ago linking five Mosques and a football ground as recruiting grounds for Al-shabaab terror groups.

Speaking in Isiolo town, the chairman of CIPK Col. (Rtd.) Sheikh Hassan Bonaya said that the report failed to include interview from local leaders and the security officials.

Col. Bonaya said that stadium or any other football ground is where different people gathered to play or holding of public meetings.

Sheikh Bonaya asked the TV station to apologize to Isiolo communities within 14 days for branding them pro-Al shabaab or sympathizers.

The CIPK boss said any person who sympathizes or who helps youth to join Al shabaab terror group would be going against the teaching of Holy Quran and is punishable before the court and before God.

Sheikh Bonaya added that according to Islam, all human beings belong to God and anyone causing death will be against the will of the creator.

He appealed to the security organs to carry out conclusive investigations and ensure they arrest any recruiters of the youth to join the illegal terrorist outfit.

The Chairman of Isiolo Youth Forum,  Jabir  Hassan Mohamud said that the TV station reporting was unprofessional, adding that 300 youth are suspected to have joined the Al shabaab group despite the police having notified of their disappearance by the parents.

Mohamud said that the security intelligence and team under the former County Commissioners, Wanyama Musiambo, now Deputy Chief of Staff, and George Natembeya, currently in Narok did a good job by changing youth attitude from drugs and other bad habits.

The youth boss said few youths have joined the illegal militia and appealed to the media to do comprehensive research and avoid sensational reporting which is one sided.

By  Abduba  Mamo

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