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Home > Counties > Marauding hyenas kill 300 goats and sheep in a month

Marauding hyenas kill 300 goats and sheep in a month

Over 300 sheep and goats and six head of cattle were killed by hyenas in the last one month in Kinna division, Isiolo County.

According to the National Chairman of Wayyu Council of Elders Mr. GalgalloTitima, the residents of Kinna, Kulamawe, Badana and Badhan Sera are the most affected and they are appealing for intervention by the relevant authority.

Mr. Titima called on the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) to ensure they contain the beasts whose population had risen to alarming level as they wreak havoc on the residents.

“The wild beasts have killed about 300 animals in the region and residents are paranoid they may lose more livestock if swift action is not taken. He urged the KWS to reduce the number of hyenas roaming in the area either by relocating or even culling them,” the elders chairman said.

Last week, he added, Jarso Haro lost 120 sheep and goats to the beasts while a father of eight Wako Liban who has no other source of income lost six head of cattle.

The Wayyu boss appealed to the KWS to compensate the victims saying that some would soon revert to illegal charcoal burning businesses if their animals will be wiped out by wild animals.

He further said the situation is worrying since the beasts walk in large numbers and can invade and maul about 50 goats and sheep at once with unarmed herders watching helplessly.

When contacted, Garbatula deputy County Commissioner Mr. Victor Kamonde said cases of hyenas attacking small stocks are on the increase adding that KWS was addressing the problem.

Mr. Kamonde said that KWS is also monitoring the Elephants’ movement since they had migrated to Garbatula Sub-County in search of fodder owing to drought.

He said tracking elephants’ movements was meant to keep away poachers who might take advantage of the animals straying into remote areas and the poor network coverage in the area.

The County KWS boss Mr. Peter Mbote could not be reached for comments since he was away in operation.

By Abduba Mamo


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