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Paralegal training to curb incest, defilement and rape

The  Centre for Community Law and Rural Development (CECLARD) has decried rise of incest and defilement cases in Kisii County.

Speaking  on  Monday  in  Kisii  County during the training of paralegal officers “village lawyers” in the county, the organization called for concerted effort in controlling  the  vice.

This  was  after  the village lawyers revealed that quite a number of young children were suffering at home after being molested or impregnated by their relatives after being raped.

The officers cited a case where a father in Moticho Ward impregnated his form one daughter twice a situation that led to the girl dropping out of school and contemplating suicide.

“We have received reports of fathers who had sired children with their daughters and it is unfortunate that such cases go unreported in the community and eventually end up stigmatizing the victims and destroying their future,” said a trainee Reuben Nyangweso.

The  CECLARD  Administrative Officer, Ann  Bosibori  said that it was very unfortunate that most women protected their husbands when they are involved  in  incest cases  with their own daughters for fear of having them jailed.

“We  cannot  remain silent as the future of our daughters is destroyed by their own fathers, uncles, brothers or other relatives, this is unacceptable,” said  Bosibori.

A  participant, Joyce  Ombasa asked the Kisii County Government to set aside funds to enable support of victims of gender based violence, incest and  defilement.

Reuben  Nyangweso, a paralegal trainee said that incidents of National Government Administration officials’ involvement in seeking out of court settlement  in  defilement and incest cases were slowing the quest for justice.

Nyangweso appealed for support from the National and County Governments for the paralegal trainees to move around Kisii County to educate members of the public on their rights.

Fredrick Mekenye another paralegal trainee said that conflict over land among family members contributed to cases of killings and destruction of property and said that it was important for members of the society to know their rights.

The  CECLARD Programmes Coordinator, Kipkurui  Ng’eno  said CECLARD provides free legal aid to cases of defilement, incest and gender based violence after the paralegal officers identify them and report to the organization for immediate action.

Ng’eno said that the paralegals have been informed that alternative dispute resolution or negotiation is not allowed in cases of defilement, rape or incest so as to ensure that the culprits face the full force of the law.

At  least 200 people paralegal officers have received the training since the year 2014.

By  Chrispine Otieno/Jane Naitore

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