Friday, February 14, 2025
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Persons with hearing impairment stage a demonstration

People with hearing impairment staged a demonstration at the Embu County Assembly headquarters to protest alleged marginalisation by the county government.


Addressing the press during the demonstration, they said that they have been forced into prostitution business for lack of jobs and business opportunities from the county government.


Led by the Deputy CEO Deaf Empowerment Society of Kenya (DESK) Ms. JoyKanana they said that they have suffered for long time because of being sidelined by the county government in jobs allocation.


“The hearing impairment persons are learned and skilled and they should be given opportunities like any other Kenyans when opportunities arise in the county governments,” Ms. Kanana said.


The sentiments of the deputy CEO were echoed by RisperBosibori who is a member of DESK who said that even when they go to hospitals to seek treatment they face a lot of challenges because of lack of interpreters hence they are unable to express themselves to the doctors.


Ms. Bosibori recommended that health facilities and other institutions should hire interpreters to cater for the deaf and by so doing the deaf people will get efficient services in those institutions.


VeronicahAkinyi who is also a deaf noted that the 30% tendering rule for young people and people living with disabilities is not fully implemented in the county.


Akinyi said that all the leaders across the country should come out and defend the rights of people living with disabilities and push for their inclusivity in county developments.


Mr. James Munyi, Deputy Clerk, Embu county assembly while addressing the group urged them to petition their grievances to the assembly, assuring them their grievances are being looked into by the relevant authorities.


By Kimani Tirus

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