Media urged to uphold professional, ethical standards

The media has been urged to be objective by upping their game as the country hurtles towards the high-stake August 9 General Elections. Veteran journalist and media trainer, Owino Opondo, says the mainstream media should be fair and do their work professionally and diligently so as to gain ‘public trust’. “Journalists both in public and […]

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Kilifi medical firm launches new respiratory kits

Revital Healthcare (EPZ) Limited becomes the world’s first manufacturer of a respiratory device that supports neonates and infants with breathing problems without the need for electricity. The Kilifi County based firm has once again put Kenya on the global map with this latest respiratory facility. The Vayu Bubble Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (bCPAP) system provides […]

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Gov’t invests billions in Mombasa new infrastructure projects

Several infrastructure development projects are taking shape in Mombasa at unparalleled speed and are set to enhance its image as the gateway to East and Central Africa and as a tourism hub. The ongoing construction and upgrade of infrastructure projects worth billions of shillings by the national government is aimed at facilitating transportation of goods […]

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Mombasa launches road safety initiative to reduce accidents

Bloomberg Philanthropies in conjunction with the Mombasa County Government has initiated road safety measures to reduce road carnage in the coastal city. The initiative which is being implemented in 28 cities around the world with a special focus on reducing speed is aimed at reducing road accidents by over 50 per cent by the year 2025. […]

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IEBC clears 9 candidates to contest for Governor in Mombasa

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has enlisted nine candidates to contest for the Governor position in Mombasa during August 9 General Election. IEBC issued a timetable for the candidates to present their nomination papers for clearance to the County Returning Officer between June 4 and June 7. The candidates who have declared interest […]

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