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About Us

Uchumi House 4th Floor


Kenya News Agency (KNA) is the flagship of the Department of Information. It was established in 1963 as a medium for building the nascent nation. Its main objective at the time was to create a common Kenyan identity through a coherent and a cohesive voice. It gathered, processed and disseminated local print and electronic news using the Kenyan narrative, and thus complemented the then Voice of Kenya (VOK), now Kenyan Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) to propagate the Government’s development agenda. Its predecessor, the Kenyan Information Service (KIS) was formed in 1939 to disseminate information on World War II and was wound up in 1945.

KNA has 47 County and 25 sub County offices. The Agency also disseminates electronic news and information to local and international subscribers. Its 24 County Information Resources Centers (IRCs) and 11 Regional Publications are focal points for content gathering and dissemination.

The countrywide network gives KNA a competitive advantage over other media organizations. Its presence at the National, County and sub County levels makes the Agency a veritable nerve center for gathering, packaging, processing and dissemination of news and information on Government’s policies, projects, programmes and initiatives to the Kenyan public.

It has four sections namely;-

  • National Editorial Desk – which receives, processes, packages and disseminates news and information to subscribers.
  • Field Services – which generates content, i.e. news, features, photographs and video footage for onward transmission to the National Editorial Desk.
  • Press Center – which generates content, i.e. video footage, photos and scripts, and packages and files the same to the National Editorial Desk for onward transmission to subscribers. It also provides coverage and documents events for Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs).
  • Photographic Section – which captures, processes and sends photographs to the National Editorial Desk for onward transmission to subscribers. It also provides photographic services to MDAs.

Provide information to citizens to make informed decisions.

To be the leading news and information source globally.

To gather and disseminate news and information for national development in line with Vision 2030.