Government to provide enabling environment to support realization of vision 2030

The government is committed to ensure it provides an enabling environment to support realization of the vision 2030 across the country. Agriculture and Livestock Cabinet Secretary Mr. Mithika Linturi said the government will ensure that all players in the sectors that will drive the economy to achieve its objectives easily get the necessary and real […]

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State to introduce growing of livestock fodder in dry counties   

The national government is set to introduce an ambitious plan to start feedlot systems to promote growth of livestock fodder in all Arid and Semi-Arid areas through partnership with county governments. The programme which is being implemented by the state department for Asal and Regional development will start in Marsabit County where over 5000 acres in […]

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Floods in Isiolo: 7 schools yet to open

Seven schools that were affected by floods in Merti Sub-County, Isiolo County, last week have remained closed as the stakeholders plan to reopen them soon. Education stakeholders, including teachers, school sponsors, political leaders, and national and county government officials, held meetings in Merti town to discuss how to tackle the infrastructural challenges facing the schools […]

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