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The counties of Kenya are geographical units envisioned by the 2010 Constitution of Kenya as the units of devolved government. The powers are provided in Articles 191 and 192, and in the fourth schedule of the Constitution of Kenya and the County Governments Act of 2012. The counties are also single member constituencies for the election of members of parliament to the Senate of Kenya and special women members of parliament to the National Assembly of Kenya. As of 2013 general elections, there are 47 counties whose size and boundaries are based on the 47 legally recognised Districts of Kenya. Following the re-organisation of Kenya’s national administration, counties were integrated into a new national administration with the national government posting county commissioners to represent it at the counties.

Baringo            Bomet             Bungoma             Busia               Elgeyo Marakwet    Embu    

Garissa            Homa Bay        Isiolo                    Kajiado            Kakamega                Kericho         

Kiambu            Kilifi                 Kirinyaga             Kisii                  Kisumu                    Kitui                         

Kwale               Laikipia            Lamu                    Machakos       Makueni                    Mandera         

Meru                Migori                Marsabit               Mombasa        Murang’a                  Nairobi               

Nakuru            Nandi                 Narok                   Nyamira           Nyandarua                Nyeri              

Samburu        Siaya                  Taita Taveta         Tana River        Tharaka Nithi           Trans Nzoia     

Turkana          Uasin Gishu       Vihiga                   Wajir                West Pokot