Narok security team seeks a strategy to fight illicit brew

The security committee in Narok County has organized a three days’ seminar with key stakeholders to deliberate on measures to fight illicit brew in the county.  Narok County Commissioner Kipkech Lotiatia, said the decision was arrived at following increasing number of crimes that is influenced by irresponsible drinking.  He underscored that the security committee was concerned that many families were breaking up, children defiled and […]

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Kaplong Boys triumph over Tenwek High in Bomet County Secondary School Games

Bomet County football champions, Kaplong Boys High School, solidified their chances of retaining their title with a decisive 2-0 victory over their long-time rivals, Tenwek High School, during the county secondary school term two games held at Bomet IAAF Stadium on Thursday. The champions showcased their prowess with goals from Dennis Mogaka and Felix Kiprono, […]

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Patriotism paramount in prevention of violent extremism, says NCTC Official

Citizens have to embrace patriotism in order to confront the issue of radicalization and violent extremism in the society, the Principal Liaison Officer at the National Counter Terrorism Centre Gatama Nderitu has said. Nderitu stated that it was only through putting the country first that this nation would free herself from the danger of radicalization […]

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