Security agencies hold peace meeting with local communities

Security agencies in Wajir County, with the support of the Vision Corps Initiative (VCI), held a peace dialogue with local opinion leaders, including representatives from youth, women, and peace elders. The public hearing aimed to improve social cohesion and exchange knowledge to build mechanisms for preventing conflicts in the region. Wajir County Commissioner Karuku Ngumo […]

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Stakeholders revise strategy on countering violent extremism

The National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC) has embarked on the process of putting in place a five-year National Strategy that will guide the country in preventing and combating violent extremism. The NCTC’s efforts to come up with a more inclusive and participatory National Strategy to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism 2024–2029 have brought together all […]

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NDMA’s Sh56 million water project underway in Taita Taveta

The National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) is constructing a Sh56 million water project in Mbololo, Voi Sub-county, Taita Taveta County. The project, dubbed the Mbulia Mzwanenyi water project, is part of NDMA’s drought resilience efforts in partnership with the Taita Taveta County Government. The project, which is expected to be completed in the next five […]

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Avoid excessive force while handling protesters, Priest asks police

Father Peter Kimani has urged the police to exercise restraint when handling youth known as Gen Z’s during protests. Kimani, who is a chaplain for the security forces, said police officers should ensure they do not respond to protesting youths in a manner that degenerates into lawlessness. Speaking during the Southern Nyanza prayer service for […]

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Police boss warns protestors against trespassing protected areas

The acting Inspector General of Police, Douglas Kanja, has warned the Gen Z youth protestors planning to trespass and hold demonstrations in protected areas that they will be dealt with firmly. Kanja said protected areas are out of bounds as stipulated in the Protected Areas Act, Cap 204 laws of the country, and cautioned those […]

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