IGAD to harmonise regional remittance policies across its member countries

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in partnership with the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and Governors of Central Banks from member states are seeking to harmonise remittance policies across member countries. The partners have organized a two-day forum themed ‘Unlocking the potential of remittance for sustainable development’ whose aim is to discuss opportunities […]

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Kenya ready to host the Africa Climate Summit, CS Tuya Says

After approval from the President during the 36th Ordinary Session of the African Union (AU) Assembly held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Kenya is ready to host the Africa Climate Summit in September this year. Speaking during the unveiling of the preparations in Nairobi, Cabinet Secretary {CS} for Environment  Climate Change and Forestry, Soipan Tuya, said […]

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EAC Member States begin a process of formation of Political Confederation

The Roadmap towards drafting of the Constitution to guide the transformation of East Africa Community (EAC), to a Political Confederation, has begun in earnest across the seven Member States. In Kenya, the Ministry of EAC, has initiated a national process of obtaining stakeholders’ views in all the 47 counties, on what kind of Political Confederation […]

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EAC to unlock regional economic benefits-experts

Kenya is bound to realize more economic benefits with deepened regional integration and free trade in East Africa. Fostering social and political integration within the East African Community (EAC) is set to boost economic growth, with border counties earmarked for major development following the implementation of the proposed confederation model. Former Attorney General Amos Wako […]

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Turkana, Netherlands partnership to maximize potential of Lake Turkana

The Netherlands Embassy in Kenya and the Turkana County government have committed to a partnership that will maximize the potential of Lake Turkana. The Netherlands Embassy has been carrying out Economic Analysis Research in Lake Turkana both in Turkana and Marsabit Counties since last year that seeks to assess opportunities in the fisheries and aquaculture […]

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