Mother who dropped out of school 10 years ago, keen to excel in KCSE

A  mother of one in Bureti Sub-county, Kericho has been granted a second chance to complete her secondary school education and sit for this year’s Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE), after dropping out of school 10 years ago. The last time Faith Chebet Ngetich (Mama Kiprop), 26, sat in class was in 2006 and […]

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Family of  Officer Killed in Riverside Attack Mourns

As security forces receive accolades for quick response during the Dusit D2 Complex terror attack on Tuesday at 14 Riverside drive, a family in Kimala village in Taveta sub-county is mourning the loss of their son, the only security officer killed during the brutal attack. Japheth Ndunguja, 26, a General Service Unit (GSU) officer was […]

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