Farmers laud proposed avocado bill despite opposition from some quarters

A  section of have expressed optimism that a proposed bill aimed to protect them from brokers will boost their income from avocado farming. The farmers now want the process of enacting the bill hastened and a law enacted before the next avocado harvesting period. Speaking to members of press on Tuesday, the farmers said brokers […]

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Factory managers warned over increased theft of coffee

Managers of coffee factories within Murang’a County have been warned over colluding with thieves to steal farmers produce. The  County Commissioner (CC), Mohammed Barre has said most of the theft cases perpetuated in coffee factories have similar characteristics and claimed that part of management of the factories were involved in the stealing. Addressing residents during […]

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Grassroots forums spur growth of coffee sector in Kirinyaga

Coffee  farming has in recent years turned out to be a nuisance among many farmers. The  development has largely been attributed to the fluctuating and inconsistent world prices hence dealing a blow to the morale of farmers who are on the receiving end. This  year however, coffee production in Kirinyaga County has improved to 40 […]

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Nut processors moot law to streamline macadamia sector

The  Nuts processors are in the process of drafting a law to streamline farming, harvesting and marketing of macadamia nuts. The  Nut  Processors Association of Kenya currently is conducting public participation to get public opinion of the proposed law before it’s sent to Parliament. Backed by Agriculture Food Authority (AFA), the processors have claimed that […]

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Macadamia processors halt operations citing low quality of nuts

Operations in macadamia processing plants have been stopped following low quality of delivered nuts. The processors have decried immature nuts being supplied by farmers, saying the nuts do not meet export standards. Members of Nuts Processors Association of Kenya (NPAK) have accused Agriculture Food Authority (AFA) of directing harvesting of macadamia from February 15, saying […]

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