Farmers can now access anti-aflatoxin Aflasafe

Farmers  in  the country can now fight aflatoxin in food crops, thanks to Government initiative to strengthen marketing and distribution of Aflasafe a natural product that fights aflatoxin. The  Agriculture  Principal Secretary (PS), Prof. Hamadi  Boga  confirmed that the government has contracted a biological crop protection company -Koppert Biological Systems- to distribute the farm input […]

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Fertilizer alone will not boost production, Kiunjuri

The  Ministry  Agriculture is implementing the agricultural sector transformation and growth strategy aimed at transforming the nationwide subsidy programme. The  Agriculture Cabinet Secretary (CS), Mwangi Kiunjuri  said that fertilizer use in Kenya has gone up by 20 percent  since 2007 when the government begun the subsidy programme but the yields have remained the same and […]

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