Pineapple Farmers encouraged to form Cooperatives

Pineapple farmers in Homa Bay County have been advised to form cooperatives societies to facilitate large scale sales of their produce to increase their returns. Homa Bay County Executive Member of Agriculture, livestock and fisheries Aguko Juma said that the farmers could not acquire certified seeds through the cooperatives which were critical in procurement of […]

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Israel pledges to work with Homa Bay County

The  Israel  government has pledged to work closely with Homa Bay County government to boost agricultural production in the county. Speaking  on Tuesday when he was hosted by the County government executives, the Israeli Ambassador to Kenya, Joseph Oded said they would support agricultural projects in Homa Bay as a way of increasing food production. […]

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Farmers urged to join Safaricom digi farm platforms

Kenya  giant network provider Safaricom has partnered with Kenya Livestock Producers Associations to host a two days Agribusiness Trade Fair in Kendu Bay Show ground in Homa Bay County. The event brought together farmers, agricultural groups and companies and other institutions supporting agriculture such as banks and insurance companies to learn more about Safaricom’s DigiFarm […]

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