Operation of three milk cooler machines delayed by County government

Dairy  Farmers  in Kisii County are  yet  to benefit from three milk cooler machines supplied through a Tie-Aid agreement  between the Kenyan government and Republic of Poland. Farmers  now  want Kisii county Government to install electricity at a cost of Sh. 350,000, to jumpstart operation of the  machines which were delivered one year ago, and […]

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Government allocates Sh. 1.4 billion to boost livestock breeding

The  Government will spend Sh.1.4 billion to boost livestock breeding as part of enhancing dairy and beef production to feed the growing population. The  Kenya Animal Genetic Resource Centre (KAGRC) Chairman, Dr. Geoffrey Kamau said National Treasury allocated the institution the funds to establish a sexed semen production technology as a way of improving livestock […]

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Nakuru County in drive to unlock the untapped Sh. 25 billion potential in the dairy sub sector

The  Nakuru  County  government is targeting to unlock the Sh. 25 billion potential in dairy sub sector within the devolved unit  by addressing a number of challenges that have affected quality and quantity of milk produced. The  County Executive Committee Member for Agriculture, Dr. Immaculate Njuthe Maina says last year farmers in the region earned […]

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