Turkana receives gene Xpert machines

Turkana County on Tuesday morning received two additional Gene Xpert machines from USAID through AMPATH to help in combating Tuberculosis (TB) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The Sh5 million diagnosis equipment were to be dispatched to the sub county hospitals in Turkana North and Turkana East to enhance their capacity to conduct diagnosis on TB, […]

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Stigma cited as major challenge in the fight against HIV/AIDS

The County Executive Committee Member for Health, Jane Ajele has cited stigma as a major challenge in the fight against HIV/AIDS. Speaking  during the World Aids Day at Nadapal, Loima Sub County, Ajele said stigma has caused many people to shy away from going for HIV testing. “Other people who are infected by HIV are […]

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AMPATH to carry out mass screening in Trans Nzoia

The  Academic  Model  Providing  Access to Health care (AMPATH) is  set  to  carry  out  mass  community diseases screening in Trans Nzoia County  starting  next  week. The  organization will be screening four diseases among them hypertension, diabetes, and cervical cancer. The initiative aims at detecting the diseases early for prompt management. The  Organizations Coordinator in Trans […]

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