County committed to promoting local investment, Trade CEC

The Garissa Trade CEC, Adow Jubat as assured both local investors and entrepreneurs that the county government was committed to providing an enabling environment for trade and investment to thrive. Jubat  who  was  speaking on Wednesday when he visited the Baran Garissa block centre said the county administration has put in place a number of […]

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We spent Covid-19 funds to put up facility, says governor

Siaya County received Sh.97 million from the multi-billion National Covid-19 fund, area Governor, Cornel Rasanga has  said. Rasanga  said that the whole amount was chanelled towards the construction and equipping of new 300 bed facilities in Siaya, Ugunja and Bondo sub counties. Addressing the media on Sunday at his Segere village home in Siaya, the […]

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Government to de-register SACCOS with fake certificates

The  government  will de-register vehicle SACCOS who possess fake compliance certificates for Covid 19 in Trans  Nzoia. Area County Commissioner (CC), Samson Ojwang  was  speaking Wednesday during a meeting with inter faith council and Deputy County Commissioners (DCCs) in relation to opening of churches and Covid 19 guidelines. The CC also raised issue with rural […]

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Sh. 10 million ESP for market renovation

The  State  Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Economic Stimulus Programme (ESP) has allocated  Sh. 10 million towards face-lifting of Majengo Market at Central Maragoli ward in Vihiga Sub-County. According  to  area  governor, Dr. Wilber Ottichilo, the renovation works would include construction of modern toilets, installation of water tanks and lights. “For a […]

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County sets aside resources in anticipation of full brown Covid-19 pandemic

The  Nyeri County government has set aside Sh.154 million to expand bed-capacity in local health facilities in case of a full brown Covid-19 pandemic. Area  governor, Mutahi Kahiga said the region needs more than 300 beds in addition to the existing ones to cater for Covid-19 cases if more people would be infected. Kahiga  was  […]

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