Governor Ojaamong assents 3 Bills

Busia Governor Sospeter Ojaamong signed three bills into law.  The Busia County Community Health Services Bill 2021, Busia County Health Services Fund (Amendment), Bill, 2021 and The Busia County Crop Agriculture Bill, 2021 were penned into law. Addressing the press after assenting to the Bills in his office, the Governor said the Acts will revamp the health and agriculture […]

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Nyeri Governor signs into law two bills

The  Nyeri Governor, Mutahi Kahiga has signed into law two bills presented by the County Assembly of Nyeri. The  Bills  which include the Nyeri Covid-19 and Highly Infectious Disease Response Bill, 2020 and the Nyeri county appropriations Bill, 2020  will guide the county government in responding to outbreaks of infectious diseases and expenditure of the […]

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