Inmate jailed for killing friend accepted back by his village

When Mr Albert Nyati, 34, walked out of the heavily fortified gates of Manyani Maximum Security Prison in Voi Sub-county on Monday morning, he was a free man. He had served his five-year jail term for manslaughter. He was going back home to the sleepy rural Mwanda village in Wundanyi where his blood-chilling deed on […]

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Prison introduce family runs to bond; keep fit amid corona virus outbreak

It’s 6.40 on Saturday morning inside the Parade grounds of Manyani Maximum Prison in Taita-Taveta County. Though it’s a weekend, the yard is teeming with life. Hundreds of prison wardens in bright yellow jerseys form a large circle. They are accompanied by their spouses and other family members. From time to time, they jog a […]

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