Man arrested for defiling his 9-year-old niece in Bondo

A 30-year-old man is held at Bondo Police station after he was arrested for reportedly defiling his 9-year-old niece at Kanyandiri village in Central Sakwa location of Bondo sub-county. The suspect who has been identified as Lucas Wata was arrested by his family members who handed him over to the security agencies Tuesday night. According […]

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Man who killed his 10-month old baby nabbed

A 25-year-old man is being held at Bondo police station after he was arrested for allegedly killing his 10-months old step-son for urinating on matrimonial bed. Jack Omolo, who has been in hiding since last month when he allegedly committed the heinous act, was arrested in Nyang’oma sub-location within Central Sakwa location in Bondo sub-county. […]

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Women embrace sweet potato farming to solve health issues

Siaya County has over the years registered high HIV and poverty indexes in the country but a group of women are slowly spearheading a change into the county’s health and economic landscape through Agriculture. Christened Ayila Moyie, the group composed of twenty five women who have been serving as Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) since 2013, […]

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Concerns over re-emergence of stock theft cases in Bondo

Residents of East Yimbo location in Bondo Sub-county have decried the reemergence of stock theft cases in that region. Led by Jared Okite of Bar Kanyango Sub-location, the residents lamented that the trend where goats are being stolen from the grazing field has reemerged in the area. He told KNA that they have noticed that […]

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