Governor Waiguru disburses Sh32 million bursary to needy students

Kirinyaga Governor, Anne Waiguru, on Tuesday disbursed Sh32.8 million as bursaries to assist some of the county’s needy students in secondary schools, colleges, and universities. The beneficiaries include 7,867 secondary school students, 1,514 college students and 1,195 university students. While issuing the bursary cheques to the beneficiaries at her official residence, Waiguru said the funds […]

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Kwale Governor Issues Sh.7 million bursaries

The  Kwale Governor,  Salim Mvurya on Monday issued Sh.7.5 million worth of bursaries to needy secondary school students from Kinondo ward. Mvurya appealed to parents in the region not to allow their children to drop out of school noting that both the county and national government were investing more in education sector. Speaking when he […]

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