Mvurya disburses Sh15 million bursary

Kwale County Governor Salim Mvurya has disbursed bursaries worth Sh.15.7 million to needy students in the region. Governor Mvurya said 1,200 secondary and university students from Mwereni and Tiwi wards received the fees bursary from the county government’s coffers. Speaking while issuing the cheques to the beneficiaries in Lunga Lunga Sub County, Mvurya said his […]

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Learners with special needs in Voi get bursary

The government has injected half a million shillings to bolster education amongst hundreds of learners with special needs in Voi Constituency. Voi’s National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) awarded the bursaries to 76 learners in Voi Primary Special Unit and 69 Mwanyambo Special School for The Deaf. Speaking at Voi Primary School, Voi MP Jones […]

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