Hamisi man take a hide in a bushy tree to elude census officials

Police  at  Serem station in Hamisi Sub County are holding a man for allegedly hiding to avoid being enumerated by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) officials. Speaking to Kenya News Agency (KNA), Vihiga County Commissioner (CC), Mrs. Suzan Waweru confirmed that the suspect,  Elias Asige, was arrested on Tuesday afternoon at Itumbi village […]

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Heavy rains slow down pace of population count in Vihiga County

Heavy  rainfall  has  been cited as one of the challenges affecting the ongoing Kenya Population and Housing Census  exercise in Vihiga County. A  survey carried by Kenya News Agency (KNA) revealed current heavy rains pounding several parts in the county had greatly affected the pace of ongoing national head count in Vihiga County with enumerators […]

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Murang’a leaders lead local residents in being enumerated

Several Murang’a leaders were among the first people to be enumerated as calls for residents to avail themselves for the census intensified. Governor Mwangi wa Iria, Transport and Infrastructure Cabinet Secretary James Macharia, Water Principal Secretary Joseph Irungu and Murang’a Senator Irungu Kang’ata were among those who were enumerated soon after the exercise kicked off […]

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Leaders ask residents to stay home on the census days

The  Trans  Nzoia leaders have asked residents of the county to stay in their houses on the census days for the county to get accurate figures on population and households. At the same time, the county governor, Patrick  Khaemba time asked those doing business in Kitale town and residing out of the county to spend […]

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