Migori dairy farmers benefit from milk cooling machines by government

Dairy farmers in Migori County now have good reason to go full throttle into milk production following a move by the national government to avail four milk-cooling plants in the region. The machines, each costing Sh.3 million with a capacity of 3000 litres were donated to cooperative groups through the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock  and […]

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Operation of three milk cooler machines delayed by County government

Dairy  Farmers  in Kisii County are  yet  to benefit from three milk cooler machines supplied through a Tie-Aid agreement  between the Kenyan government and Republic of Poland. Farmers  now  want Kisii county Government to install electricity at a cost of Sh. 350,000, to jumpstart operation of the  machines which were delivered one year ago, and […]

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Government to set a committee to resolve emerging challenges

The  government will set up an intra-government committee to seek solutions to management challenges facing Karatina  Market Hub in Nyeri County. Traders  at the Sh. 475 million facility which is the largest open air market in East  Africa and also the second largest in  Africa after Kano in Nigeria have in the recent past raised […]

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