Impeachment fever, an affront to devolution, says Governor Ngilu

The  ongoing impeachment fever sweeping across county assemblies is an affront to sacrifice devolution at the altar of political expediency, says Kitui County Governor, Charity Ngilu. Governor Ngilu, who broke her silence after the court issued conservatory orders to stop her impeachment motion slated for June 29, said that the political wars hinged on impeaching […]

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Kitui cotton farmers set to reap bumper harvest post Covid-19

Cotton farmers in Kitui County are set to reap a bumper harvest due to the soaring demand of facemasks as the world battles the ravages of coronavirus. As the demand for more cotton increases, Kitui County Textile Centre has been transformed instantly into making 30,000 masks a day, whereas previously the firm produced almost none. […]

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Maendeleo Chap Chap roots for leaner representation to tame cost of running government

The  Maendeleo Chap Chap Party is proposing the reduction in the number of elective posts and nominations as one of the cures in taming the runaway wage bill. In  a nine- page validation document presented to the Building Bridges Steering Committee task force, the party argued that Kenyans feel overburdened by the large number of […]

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Ngilu flags off ambulances to support universal healthcare

The  Kitui County Governor, Charity Ngilu has flagged off 10 new ambulances under the universal healthcare plan to enable residents to access emergency response. Speaking at Kitui Stadium on Monday, Ngilu said the ambulances will boost hospital to hospital referrals, enhance efficiency and help save lives by providing emergency services to the far flung areas […]

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Kitui County moots to plant 1.5 million trees ahead of the Oct-Dec rains

The  Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in Kitui have mobilized over 6, 400 women and youth groups to plant 1.5 million trees ahead of October-December rainy season. Speaking in Kitui on Monday, the Community Voluntary Development Network Association-Kenya Chairman, Augustus  Malu decried wanton destruction of trees for charcoal production that had reduced the forest cover which […]

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