Government urge counties and leaders to market vocational and training centres

The government has disclosed plans to introduce specialized courses in Technical and Vocational Training Centers to bolster enrollment levels, while equipping trainees with skills to address local challenges. The Principal Secretary (PS) in the State Department of Vocational and Technical Training in the Ministry of Education, Dr. Kevit Desai  said the VTCs are currently offering […]

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Development of spatial plan Kicks-off in Tharaka Nithi

Residents of Tharaka Nithi County have been asked to cooperate with University of Nairobi (UoN) students and the technical team that will be involved in a five day exercise of developing a spatial plan for the whole county. The County Executive Committee (CEC) member for Lands Housing and Physical planning, Joe  Njagi called on the […]

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Governor to back efforts in promoting cohesiveness in county

The  Machakos Governor, Dr. Alfred Mutua has promised to use all means available to ensure there is a mutual understanding between his office and other elected leaders. In a statement to members of the Machakos County Assembly on Wednesday, Dr. Mutua said he looked forward to turning a new page in the management of the […]

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