Create wealth through diversification, farmers advised

Uasin Gishu farmers have been advised to embrace diversification to create more wealth instead of depending on the traditional maize and wheat farming. Speaking in Kong’asis in Ainabkoi Sub- County, Uasin Gishu Governor, Jackson Mandago, also challenged the farmers to take farming seriously in order to reclaim the county’s lost wealth. Mandago said the County […]

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Farmers in Kirinyaga shifting from coffee in favour of high-return bananas

After many years of getting meager returns from coffee, a group of farmers in Kirinyaga County have started growing high-yielding banana variety. Through funding from the County Government, a banana nursery was set up and growers were trained on how to tender for the crop. Jane  Wangechi  from Kimwea in Gichugu Constituency has her three-acre […]

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