CDICC wants contractor to speed up works

Elgeyo Marakwet County Development Implementation and Coordination Committee (CDICC) has given the contractor working on the Sh1.3 billion Kibigos Chebororwa road in Marakwet two weeks to submit a revised programme of works. This, according to the CDICC under the leadership of the County Commissioner Dr. Ahmed Omar will show how the contractor China Henan International […]

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Be careful with public projects, Elgeyo Marakwet residents warn

Deep in the rural Kerio Valley, at the local Songeto dispensary in Tambach ward of Keiyo North Sub-County, a contractor was awarded a tender to supply 6-inch size mattresses for the dispensary’s maternity ward, but he delivered pieces of smaller size mattresses stitched together to make 6-inch mattresses, probably assuming, like what he may have […]

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Residents irked by contractor for slow pace of tarmacking road

Gatundu North residents want the contractor tarmacking the Sh.1.5 billion Gatukuyu-Kairi-Mataara road kicked out for allegedly lacking capacity to complete the project. Led by their area MP, Wanjiku Kibe, they complained that Wak Ltd, that was contracted by Kenya Rural Roads Authority (KERRA) to tarmac the 30 kilometres stretch has failed and should have the […]

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Committee recommends further interrogation

The  Meru County Development Implementation Coordination Committee (CDICC) has cited lack of financial and equipment capacity of contractors as the major causes of delays in delivering on contracted works. The Committee members expressed the sentiments during a routine project verification tour of various roads projects in Tigania Central among them the Mikinduri-Kunati-Katithine road which was […]

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County Commissioner assures contractor of safety

The  Kiambu County Commissioner (CC), Wilson Wanyanga has assured the contractor working on Karimenu 11 dam of his safety and that of his equipment. He told the contractor to immediately embark on his work without fear and instructed Gatundu North Deputy county commissioner (DCC), Baxton Mayabi to engage adequate security personnel to secure the contractor. […]

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