Alarm as 4000 school girls get pregnant in Machakos

Over  4000 school girls in Machakos County have been impregnated in last three months. Among these, 200 are under 14 years of age! This is according to the County Children’s Officer, Salome Muthama speaking on Tuesday during the celebrations to mark the Day of the African Child at Machakos Rescue Center in Katoloni, Machakos town. […]

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Government officers speak out on defilement burden in Machakos

As  leaders in Machakos grapple with the puzzle of runaway suicide cases in the county, stakeholders in the children’s department are equally shocked at the high numbers of underage girls falling prey to marauding sex pests. Indeed, if figures from the county’s health facilities are anything to go by, then there is every reason for […]

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