Public transport operators to receive jab

A nationwide campaign has been launched by the government to encourage all public transport stakeholders, including drivers, conductors, boda boda riders, among others to get vaccinated against Covid-19. The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development and Public Works, in collaboration with the Federation of Public Transport Sector (FPTS), have […]

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Kericho receives Hand-washing facilities to curb Covid-19

Schools in Kericho County will benefit from hand-washing facilities and sanitizers courtesy of the Kericho County Government and SNV, a Non-Profit international development organization in a project termed ‘WASH FIRST’. The programme targets to distribute a total of 27 handwashing facilities, which will be mounted in schools, markets places and transport hubs. Kericho County has greatly […]

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Nakuru County adopts use of multiple Covid-19 vaccines

Nakuru County is stepping up its campaign against Covid-19 by adopting the use of multiple vaccines, to supplement the Oxford AstraZeneca doses. County Executive Committee (CEC) Member for Health, Dr Zachary Kariuki Gichuki, said public health facilities have embraced administration of Moderna, Sino pharm, Johnson and Johnson and Pfizer vaccines, as a way of expanding the […]

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