County Secretary calls for quality work by contractors

The  Homa Bay County Secretary (CS), Isaiah Ogwe has told monitoring and evaluation committee on the county ward based projects not to approve any shoddy work for payment. Ogwe noted that there were complaints from the public that some contractors had failed to deliver quality work. He  noted that the county government had allocated at […]

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Lack of regulations puts brakes on Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB) projects

Several projects mooted by the Lake region Economic Bloc (LREB) have stalled due to lack of regulations on formation and operation of regional economic blocs. The fate of the projects among them a Sh.2.8 billion regional bank now hangs in a balance even after the 14 member counties contributed millions from the county allocations for […]

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Finally construction works on Nairobi-Nakuru-Mau Summit road to commence in December

Constructions  works on the Nairobi-Nakuru-Mau Summit Road at a cost of Sh.160 billion  will commence within two months, the  Transport, Infrastructure Housing and Urban Development Cabinet Secretary (CS), James  Macharia has announced. Macharia  said a French firm had been awarded the job that is targeting to ease traffic snarl ups along the highway that have […]

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Kenya’s foreign exchange to increase from Specialty tea trade with China

The  Ministry of Agriculture has signed a trade agreement with China to export Kenya’s Specialty tea which will earn her more foreign exchange. According to the  Agriculture, Livestock and  Fisheries  Cabinet Secretary (CS), Mwangi  Kiunjuri, it has been the desire of the government in collaboration with other state agencies to pursue enhanced tea trade and […]

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