Mucheru receives report on government communication

The  19-member Makali led Task Force constituted to study the status of government communication function handed its report to the ICT Cabinet Secretary (CS), Joe  Mucheru  on Monday. The report titled, ‘Winning the Trust,’ pointed out that the biggest challenge that continues to derail government communication is the mindset and culture in public service, touching […]

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Nairobians urges government to strengthen communication channels

Nairobi  residents  have urged the government to strengthen its instruments of disseminating information to the public to enhance citizenry participation in development programmes and policies. The  residents  who  had gathered  at  Charter Hall, Nairobi on Thursday to present their views to the Task Force for Improvement of Government Information and Public Communications in Kenya, said […]

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Task force for improvement of government communication visits Mombasa

The  David  Makali  led task force for improvement of government information and communication has embarked on public  stakeholders forum. Task  force  members  visited Mombasa County  where they held meetings with National government departmental heads  on Tuesday at Uhuru na  Kazi building and sought their views on how best the government would communicate with citizens. Some  […]

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KBC and KNA are best placed to communicate government agenda without bias, Dena

The  government has been urged to revamp the Country’s state broadcaster, Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) with proper infrastructural structures to make it the lead channel in communicating government’s Big Four Agenda. Lack of proper infrastructure as well as limited resources coupled with high debts has been largely blamed for the woes of the State broadcaster […]

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PS Jerome says proper communication critical for Big Four Agenda

The  Information Communications and Technology (ICT) Principal Secretary (CS), Jerome Ochieng on Monday re-affirmed the government’s commitment to revamping government communication. Speaking in Nairobi during the ongoing submissions to the David Makali-led taskforce on improving government communication at Teleposta Towers, Jerome said that communication is so critical in packaging the Jubilee administration’s Big 4 Agenda. […]

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