CSO’s invite DCI, EACC to probe corruption in Taita-Taveta

The  Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Taita-Taveta County have invited the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) and Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) to probe allegations of wanton corruption involving officials working under the executive and County Assembly arms of the County government. The  Chairperson of CSO Network in the county, Ezra  Mdamu said there has […]

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Eldoret Lawyer opposes withdrawal of funds from Food Reserve Kitty

An  Eldoret based advocate has threatened to move to court to institute private criminal proceedings against Agriculture Cabinet Secretary (CS), Mwangi  Kiunjuri and other government officials involved in the illegal withdrawal of  Sh.1.8billion from the Strategic Food Reserve (SFR) fund. The  advocate, Simon Lilan issued a seven day notice to the Director of Public Prosecution, […]

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Suspects in Chuka OCS murder arraigned in court

Four  suspects in the murder of Chuka Officer Commanding Station (OCS), Joseph Kinyua were today arraigned before a Runyenjes court but could not take plea as police are yet to conclude investigations. The  Director of Criminal investigation through an affidavit presented in court sought for more days to allow completion of investigations on Joseph Muriithi, […]

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Use recovered assets to offset debts, government advised

The  Head of the Anglican church of Kenya (ACK) Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit has advised the government to use money and assets recovered in the fight against corruption to settle foreign debts. Archbishop Ole Sapit stated that the church supported the government in the war against corruption and urged that institutions charged with the responsibility […]

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