Government to roll our second phase of Digital Learning Process in August

After  the successful completion of the Digital Literacy Programme (DLP) and issuance of tablets to primary schools, the  government will launch the second phase in August 2019, the  ICT Principal Secretary (PS), Jerome  Ochieng has said. Ochieng said that the program runs in three phases whereby the just concluded phase I saw the issuance of […]

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National government spends Sh.2.4 billion on roads in Marakwet East

The  National government has spent Sh.2.4 billion to construct two major roads in Marakwet East Sub County. The Elgeyo Marakwet County Development Implementation Committee was told the 35km Tirap-Embobut road cost sh.2.2 billion while sh.242 million was spent on the 7.1km Chesoi-Chugor. The  two roads which run from the highlands of Chesoi through the escarpment […]

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