New maize breeds to contain Maize Lethal Necrosis

The Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) has developed two maize varieties that will help contain the spread of the Maize Lethal Necrosis (MLN) disease and fall army worm which have adversely affected maize production in the country. The research organization has developed the varieties that are said to be resistant to the disease […]

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KALRO to provide 25 tons of potato seed for multiplication to farmers

The  government has provided for free 25 metric tonnes (500 bags of 50kg) of potato basic seeds for planting to counties to produce certified seeds. This will result in about 2,500 tons after two field multiplications and added to the current annual production of 6,500 tons of certified seed, will improve farmer access to certified […]

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Mechanization key to achieve food security, KALRO

Low  levels of agriculture mechanization, which stands at a paltry 30 percent has contributed to food insecurity in the country. The  Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) Director General (DG), Dr. Eliud Kireger said  in  Kenya the level of agricultural mechanization was very low especially in small scale farming. Speaking  at the KALRO headquarters […]

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