Cancer treatment to commence at Longisa hospital in September

Leaders in Bomet  on Friday led by Embomos ward MCA, Robert  Sarbai have thanked President Uhuru Kenyatta for  directing cancer treatment to start at Longisa referral hospital in September. He  said that the directive came at the right time as many cancer patients were either referred to Kenyatta National hospital in Nairobi or Moi Teaching […]

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Kericho Cancer Centre to alleviate patients’ suffering

As  the country continues to mourn and condole with the family of the late Bomet Governor, Dr. Joyce  Laboso, five members of the Kericho County Assembly have asked the county administration to fast-track plans to construct a cancer centre at the Kericho County Referral Hospital having allocated Sh.200 million in the 2018-2019 financial year. The  […]

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