More than 30,000 title deeds remain uncollected at Machakos registry

At  total of 33,000 title deeds are currently lying uncollected at the Machakos Lands Registry, County Lands Registrar, Nathan Gathaiya has said. Briefing  the County Development Implementation and Coordination Committee (CIDCC) at  the Machakos County  Commissioners office  on Wednesday, Gathaiya said the documents which date years back have complicated the filing system in the office […]

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Elders warn parents not to allow their sons be circumcised on ‘cursed’ land

A  section of Kalenjin elders from Uasin Gishu County have advised parents not to allow their sons to be circumcised at the controversial 570 acre Emo farm in Sergoit claiming it has been cursed. The more than 300 elders said aggrieved members of Emo Investment Limited, most of them now elderly, placed a curse on […]

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Leaders accuse Bank of abetting land malpractice

Top  leaders in Taita-Taveta County are accusing a leading regional commercial bank of colluding with a rich investor to illegally transfer 1,953 hectares of land in  Voi sub-county to a third-party and in so doing help the investor avoid handing back the land to the county government after the expiry of the land lease period. […]

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All public schools to have title deeds by end of the year, says Karoney

The  government will ensure that all public schools in the country have title deeds by end of this year. The Lands Cabinet Secretary (CS), Farida Karoney  speaking in Murang’a on Saturday said out of the approximately 33, 000 public schools in the country, only about 13, 000 learning institutions have already secured title deeds. Karoney […]

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