Church faults local leadership for doing little to promote fishing  

National Council of Churches officials in Siaya County have faulted Nyanza region leadership for allegedly doing little to promote the fishing industry. Led by NCCK’s Siaya County coordinating committee chairman, Rt Rev. John Haung Godia, the officials said local leaders had no passion to enhance the marine industry, despite the area being blessed with diverse […]

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Kenyan Seafarers benefits from Shipping jobs

The  government’s intervention to streamline the maritime industry is yielding fruits as more Kenyans are now securing shipping jobs. The  Seafarers Union of Kenya (SUK) has lauded the government for introducing measures to improve the maritime sector and seafaring in the country. The  SUK General Secretary, Steve  Owaki  said Kenyan seafarers with valid documents were […]

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Mnarani BMU earns Sh.1.8 million income annually

The  Mnarani Beach Management Unit (BMU) in Kilifi town, earns income amounting to sh.1.8- million annually, according to its Chairman Elijah Chivatsi. Chivatsi  said part of the income has been going towards giving loans to its 230 active members and at the same time undertaking development projects. Speaking  to the press at their offices following […]

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