Education Ministry launches UNESCO TVET policies and Training Manuals

The Government has constructed Technical and Vocational Educational Training (TVET) Institutions across the country to promote access and equity for students seeking professional skills. The Principal Secretary (PS), State Department of Vocational and Technical Training (VTT) (PS), Dr. Margaret Mwakima said the government has established 26 centres of TVET colleges and National Polytechnics with a […]

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Government launches EMC Policy 2020-2030 for Emergency Treatment

The Ministry of Health, Wednesday, launched the Kenya Emergency Medical Care (EMC) Policy 2020-2030, to promote healthcare among citizens in need of emergency treatment. Health Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS), Dr. Rashid Aman, said the EMC Policy is a precursor to creation of an Emergency Medical Fund as a fulfilment of the National Assembly resolution that […]

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CRA to empower counties to raise more revenue

The Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) on Wednesday, launched the counties efforts toward revenue mobilization and counties own sources revenue training guidelines. According to CRA analysis, Embu and Garissa counties have drastically increased their revenue collection from 2013/2014 Financial Year by 254 and 202 per cent respectively. Some 15 counties; Tana River, West Pokot, Lamu, […]

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Ministry targets 3.4 million children in polio vaccination

The Ministry of Health is targeting to vaccinate 3.4 million children aged below five years during polio vaccination exercise that will kick off on Saturday May 22, 2021. Health Cabinet Secretary (CS), Mutahi Kagwe, said that in February this year, the Ministry confirmed six cases of polio virus among them were samples picked from sewage material in […]

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