10 million Kenyans derive their livelihood from livestock

The Government is in the process of developing strategies, policies and legislations which are systematic in order to address the challenges affecting the livestock sector, Principal Secretary (PS), State Department for Livestock, Mr. Harry Kimtai has said. The PS said that the reforms would ensure that the policy instruments guiding the sector are responsive to […]

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Dairy farming to replace tobacco and sugarcane economy

Farmers  in Migori County have been advised to embrace dairy farming as a substitute for the collapsed tobacco and unstable sugarcane farming. The  Livestock  Principal Secretary (PS), Harry Kimtai wondered why the locals still keep traditional cows yet the climate favours modern dairy farming. “Dairy farming do very well in this area. I wonder why […]

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Africa Coffee facility aimed at boosting productivity for the industry

The  Inter  African Coffee Organization (IACO) has joined forces with the Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (CABI) and the International Coffee Organization (ICO) to launch the USD 950 million ‘Africa Coffee Facility.’ The  ACF is projected to transform and boost Africa’s coffee industry to achieve a 40 percent increase in high- quality exports worth […]

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Dairy policy a road map for the sector improvement in milk quality

Value  Chain players  in the milk industry are concerned that the current production is unable to sustain the growing demand for milk in the country. The  State department of Livestock Principal Secretary (PS), Harry  Kimtai  said milk consumption per person per year stand at 110 litres, an increase from 80 litres for the last decade. […]

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