PS challenges youth to start income generating activities to earn a living 

The  Information, Communications and Technology Principal Secretary (PS), Jerome Ochieng has challenged youth engaged in Kazi Mtaani programme to make savings and start income generating activities. Jerome  told the youth that they now have an opportunity to initiate income generating activities to help them as a side activity and stop relying on only one source. […]

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Ministry of ICT inducts 250 interns

The  government  has initiated Ajira Digital Progamme to enable the youth seeking employment earn decent income through online work. The  Information, Communication and  Technology Principal  Secretary (PS), Jerome  Ochieng  said through the Ajira program, over 1 million youth will be able to earn above minimum wage from the digital platform annually. Ochieng  said the explosion […]

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Over 300 innovation hubs operationalized

The  Government has established over 300 Constituency Innovation Hubs (CIHs) where the youth are trained on online jobs through the Ajira Digital platform. The  ICT  Principal Secretary (PS), Jerome  Ochieng  said the technology centers will provide the youth with a platform to source online jobs to enable them earn decent wages. The  PS   said  spaces […]

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Rising cases of doping among sportsmen decried

The  Sports  Ministry Cabinet  Secretary (CS), Amb. Amina Mohammed has decried rising cases of doping among Kenya’s International athletes, saying it was an embarrassment to the country. Closing the 40th edition of KECOSO games at Gusii Stadium, Amb. Mohammed said it was time to hold accountable all perpetrators of doping. “Athletes don’t do it on […]

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Mombasa Waterfront Park to host two major events this year

Mama  Ngina Drive  Waterfront  in Mombasa whose construction nears completion is set to host two major events this year. The  Sh.460 million modern recreational facility will be the venue of World Tourism Day on September 27 and Mashujaa Day celebrations on October 20. This was announced on Friday by Tourism Cabinet Secretary (CS), Najib Balala  […]

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