Five more illegal firearms recovered in embattled Nkararo land

Five  more fire arms have been surrendered in volatile Nkararo area in Trans Mara West Sub County bringing the total number of firearms surrendered in a span of three weeks to 14. While addressing the media in his office on Friday, the Narok County Commissioner (CC), Samuel Kimiti confirmed said the government would not lift […]

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Chiefs and elders given two weeks to produce stolen goats

The  Samburu East Deputy County Commissioner (DCC), Pius  Mugambi and his Isiolo counterpart, Mohamed Maow have given chiefs and elders from Waso Sub-County to produce stolen goats and sheep in two weeks. Speaking  at a security meeting at Archers’-post trading centre  on Tuesday, the administrators said that cases of livestock theft are on the rise […]

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Forceful disarmament underway in Marsabit

Residents  of Marsabit County have been cautioned to brace themselves for a forceful disarmament set to kick off any time from now. The  Eastern Regional Commissioner (RC), Isaiah Nakoru  said area residents have failed to respect the 24 hour ultimatum issued by the government  on Friday to surrender illegal firearms in their possession and also […]

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We will catch you soon, bandits and cattle rustlers put on notice

The   newly  posted  Rift  Valley  Regional Commissioner (RC), George Natembeya has put cattle rustlers on notice, saying the government will  take  stern  action against anyone found engaging in the retrogressive practice that is the cause of insecurity especially among pastoral communities. Natembeya, formerly Narok County Commissioner  has been elevated to take over  from  Mongo  Chimwaga  […]

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