18 fishermen nabbed with illegal fishing gears in Rarieda

A total of 18 fishermen were arrested and illegal fishing gears worth over Sh250,000 confiscated in Lake Victoria following a crackdown conducted by the Ralayo Beach Management Unit in Rarieda Sub- County. According to the Chairman of Ralayo Beach Management Unit (BMU), Simon Onyango, the officials found the fishermen from the nearby Kaloka and Kobudho […]

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Illegal fishing gears worth Sh.4 Million destroyed in Rachuonyo North

Illegal  fishing  gears  worth Sh. 4 million  impounded  during  the  ongoing  crackdown  in  Lake Victoria have been burnt. The  illegal  gears  confiscated over the last one week in various beaches along the Lake were destroyed by the Fisheries  Department in Rachuonyo North Sub-County in the presence of the area fisheries officials, Judiciary officials and the […]

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Twenty four Kenyan fishermen detained in Uganda

Twenty  four Kenyan fishermen were arrested in the waters of Lake Victoria in Suba Sub-county on Wednesday, Homa-Bay County by Ugandan security personnel and eight of their boats confiscated. The  fishermen were arrested over alleged trespass and use of illegal  fishing gears at Sare beach in Suba South and  Remba  Island in Suba North. Confirming  […]

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County government distributes engine boats to enhance lake patrol

Siaya  county government has distributed patrol boat engines to Uyawi, Sifu and Lihunda beaches in Central Sakwa ward in Bondo sub counties to enhance security in the lake. Speaking  at  Lihunda Beach, Siaya Governor, Cornel Rasanga  said the engines will be used by the Beach Management Units (BMU) to fight the use of illegal fishing […]

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