Commissioner calls on locals to embrace tree planting culture

The  Nyeri County Commissioner (CC), Loyford Kibaara on Monday led civil servants and hundreds of residents in marking the end of the African Public Service week commemorations by planting over 2,000 tree seedlings around Mt. Kenya forest. The exercise was aimed at supporting conservation efforts in ensuring the country achieves the required 10 percent tree […]

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Kitui County moots to plant 1.5 million trees ahead of the Oct-Dec rains

The  Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in Kitui have mobilized over 6, 400 women and youth groups to plant 1.5 million trees ahead of October-December rainy season. Speaking in Kitui on Monday, the Community Voluntary Development Network Association-Kenya Chairman, Augustus  Malu decried wanton destruction of trees for charcoal production that had reduced the forest cover which […]

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Government earns Sh.400, 000 from permits to transport trees from private forests

The  government earned Sh.400, 000 from issuance of permit to transport trees from private forests in Laikipia County last month, County Ecosystem Conservator, Stephen Karega has said. According to Karega, over 200 permits were issued to various people who sought to transport trees and logs from the county to other destination outside the county from […]

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