Kenya joins the world to commemorate World No Tobacco Day

The government ratified the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products on 4th May 2020, aimed at combating impact of illegal trade in Tobacco on Public Health, Economic and social well-being. Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe said tobacco is a major risk factor to Non-Communicable Diseases like cardiovascular, cancer, respiratory and diabetes conditions that […]

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Crackdown on illicit trade intensified

The  government has intensified the crackdown on contraband goods sneaked into the country through Lake Victoria from neighbouring countries. The  Homa Bay County Commissioner (CC), Yatich  Kipkemei directed security, immigration and Kenya Revenue Authority officials to strengthen surveillance along the border inside of the lake to prevent the illegal trade. Kipkemei cited areas within Mbita […]

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Police in Kitui seize several litres of banned second generation drinks

Police in Mutomo area of Kitui County have arrested over 32 bar owners found selling illicit second generation brews and  operating bars without licences. Speaking on Monday during a sting operation to flushout rogue bar operators at Ikanga shopping centre, the Mutomo Deputy County Commissioner (DCC), Jacob Ouma lamented that inhabitable buildings have been converted […]

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