Inmates to wait longer to receive visitors    

Inmates across the country will have to wait longer to have visitors until the government fully ascertains that their visitation facilities are ready and safe. Addressing the press at the Garissa Main Prison, today, Interior Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS), Winnie Guchu, said the government could not risk the current Covid-19 situation in the country, by […]

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Over 482 inmates at Busia GK prison vaccinated

Department of Health and Sanitation in Busia, in collaboration with the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS), has vaccinated a total 482 inmates at the Busia GK prison against Coronavirus (Covid-19). The County Prisons Commander, Omondi Adero, revealed that 451 males and 31 females’ convicts have received the Covid-19 vaccine jab, with majority of them waiting […]

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Kenya Prisons helping inmates to exploit talents

Kenya Prisons Service has joined hands with other stakeholders in helping inmates exploit and nurture their talents as they serve their sentences. Speaking at Meru Prison during the opening of a newly renovated kitchen, Eastern region Prison Commissioner Mr Dixon Mwakazi said they have decided to give prisoners enough space to sharpen their skills which […]

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142 inmates to serve Non-Custodial Sentences in Laikipia

At least 142 inmates are expected to be reintegrated in the community in Laikipia County in bid to decongest the prisons. According to Laikipia County Director, Department of Probation, David Mbui, once the High Court Judge assigned to handle probation reports recommend them for reintegration based on their case files, the offenders will be expected […]

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